Saturday, July 02, 2005

As promised, some Cambridge pix. These date from two weekends ago, the last time the sun shone here. Saturday was the May Bumps, where rowing boats chase each other up the river in a bid to bump the boat in front:

It's the only way to conduct a rowing race on a river of such limited width.

The following day the watersports continued as I went punting:

To be honest I didn't do much punting, and when I did the results were particularly underwhelming, thanks to significant prior imbibement of beverages (we were in a punting/drinking race and my contributions to the team were focussed on the drinking side of operations). Here is one of the opposition punts shortly before we capsized it:

A very pleasant day indeed. Poor weekend weather since then has been more conducive to museum-based rather than river-based activities, with a tendency towards less associated beverage consumption. Visited the Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology and the Kettle's Yard Gallery today in a conscious stride beyond the neo-classicist monolith of the Fitzwilliam Museum that has dominated my cultural endeavours in Cambridge thus far.


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