Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Years Eve in London

Being a cheapskate, i try to avoid paying for train tickets whenever possible, short of actually breaking the law, so i jumped on the opportunity for a lift to London with Sinead. Even better, I got to drive: their's nothing better to amp you up for a night of NYE partying than driving someone elses car at 140 km/hr down the M11. The subsequent tube journey from Upminster to Brixton afforded me a few quiet moments to prepare myself for the evening by consuming 8 500mL Kronenbourgs and churning through a few chapters of Ernst Gombrich's 'A Little History of the World'. Arriving in Brixton, I was ready:

Met up with the gang and checked out a couple of joints before settling on the White Horse bar as the venue for the evening. Everyone was in fine fettle.

Did the midnight thing, decided we'd had enough, helped some randoms push-start their car, thereby fulfilling my new years resolution to help someone sometime during the year.

Back to MJs to chill out,

and off to sleep, in my case on the living room floor.

2006 was greeted with expected levels of enthusiasm,

though outlooks improved after a glass of champagne and some parmigiano reggiano.

Not one to pass up the opportunities associated with a trip to London, i went along to Tate Modern, had a look at the Rachel Whiteread installation,

and the Le Douanier Rousseau exhibition.

Walking back along Southbank, the National Theatre looked cool, all lit up.

Back through town,

continuing the cheapskate act, i forwent the tube and walked back to Kings Cross, ready to make a start on the year.


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