Thursday, October 20, 2005

No sooner than i'd returned from the US of A, and whilst still struggling to readjust the bodily clock, I was host to Mary-Jane up in Cambridge on a 'mini-break'. Having I secretly delight in the opportunity to be a tourist here, rather than the normal act of a jaded pah-Kings-College-take-it-or-leave-it local.

So we went to see some punts at the Millpond,

and had an ale at ye olde authenticke pubbe.

The secret challenge for me was to obtain enough photos of MJ in front of Cambridge landmarks or doing Cambridge-y things to produce a 2006 calendar. So with those two down and 10 to go, some work had to be done. Here are the fruits of my surreptitious labours:

MJ in front of Kings College (with some fudge from the Famous Fudge Shop)

MJ and the River Cam

MJ with an esteemed Cambridge University researcher

MJ in front of Clare College

MJ at Trinity College

MJ at Pembroke

MJ at the Fitzwilliam

MJ at the train station (clutching at straws here...)

OK count em... only 10, unfortunately. So you'll have to wait around til 2007 for the calendar. Make sure you do though: it'll clearly be worth it.

Inspired by all this Cambridg-abilia, i went to visit Kings College Chapel, having not been inside it previously. The outside was looking particularly splendid in the sunshine:

as was I:
The inside is really spectacular (of the chapel, that is). Unfortunately, photos are not allowed so i can't share any with you. But, thanks to a less respectful person, who flagrantly disregarded this rule, then had the hide to post his handiwork on the internet, you can have a bit of a look at the Rubens altarpiece and stainglass windows:

Making the most of what would turn out to be the last really nice summery day in Cambridge for the season, I moseyed across Jesus Green and Midsummer Common,
down to the river, which was looking most bucolic,

and read until the sun set.

Bye bye summer, fare thee well.


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