Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Overland to Essex

Inspired by the marked improvement in the weather, I gave my new bike it's first proper outing.

The weather was gorgeous, making the farmland particularly bucolic.

Crossing the border into Essex, the landscape gets a bit more hilly. Compared with the super-flatness of Cambridgeshire and the fens, this doesn't necessarily say much, but it was hilly enough to give my flabby unconditioned legs a bit of a workout. Made it to Saffron Walden, a really cute smallish town in Essex, and checked out the St Mary and the Virgin church which dates back to the end of the 15th century.

Headed back to Cambridge, racing the fading light. Following the main road, i was guided back into town via Shelford and Trumpington, with my final route as follows, totalling something upward of 30 miles.


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