Friday, September 08, 2006

Cambridge Summer Antics

The scanty thermal offerings of these pallid climes were received nonetheless with great joy and exaltation, and the arrival of plentiful light and relative warmth was celebrated far and wide with the baking of traditional Summer Fritatas:

Great revelry ensued; highlights addressed herein:

Pembroke Final BA dinner;

Downing Garden Party; Graham's Legendary May Bumps BBQ ;

Wyverns Garden party (no footage thankfully);

Pembroke June event;

Newnham MCR Garden Party;

Pembroke MCR Garden Party; and various smaller and less official affairs.

(which were handled with varying levels of decorum by attendees)

And then, just like that, the start-o'-summer social season was over, with livers sated, the undergrads scampered back to their provinces, the postgrads snuck off to their labs, homes, conferences or holidays, and the snapping tourists and braying american summerschool students reigned supreme over Cambridge. I went to Germany, but that, my friends, is a story for another post.


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