Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Michaelmas Summary

It's been a busy term dominated by the following not-especially-blogworthy activities:

1. Work, of course. We had a paper accepted for publication by Acta Materialia, which proves i've been doing something at least. Plus supervision and lab mark-ups for impressionable undergraduates.

2. Trips to London: Holbein exhibition and Turner Prize at Tate Britain, London Art Club event with MJ, Velazquez exhibition at National Gallery, Teniers exhibition at Courtald, trip to Vinopolis, typical general conviviality.

3. A bunch of events run by the Cambridge Energy Forum, on sustainable energy, Stern Review, energy finance etc. Very interesting, very topical, and most useful for my longer-term cityward ambitions.

4. I've finally admitted that my eyes, as well as my mental faculties, are in decline, and in fact require supplementation. This concession came conveniently close to the expiration of my drivers license; I now have a UK one, which requires me to wear my new glasses. A bit of personal re-branding never hurt anyone.

5. An abundance, if not excess, of college dinners, parties and general rocking in Cambridge.

Here I illustrate a combination of several of the above issues, wearing my new glasses at a dinner at Queens with two of my workmates.


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