Thursday, July 28, 2005

I've been a bad blogger - spending too much time doing real stuff and not enough time writing about it in cyberspace - if you can call running hundreds of dynamic FE simulations 'real stuff'. But there has been some blogworthy activity & I will endeavour to catch up on it over the next few days.

After the action-packed weekend in London, the following was spent more quietly in Cambridge. Though the Friday night BBQ that concluded with several glasses of brandy at 3:45am would not best be described as quiet. Having recuperated from that I ventured forth on my bicycle to explore some of the Cambridge hinterland. This is approximately where I went:
It was a most splendid ride, along winding country lanes, similar to those frequented by Toad of Toad Hall during his caravaning phase. Saw the American War Memorial & Cemetery, some cute little towns, farmhouses, churches, etc. even saw some wittle wabbits (live ones!) dashing into a hedgerow. An example of the lovely pastoral scenery of Cambridgeshire:
Me on the open road:
It's, like, really bucolic, eh! (Risked hospitalisation to take this one whilst in motion)
This is the Cam, near Grantchester (see map above) - it is a pool in which Lord Byron supposedly swam. He was a poet - you can find out more about him if you like.
Here's the Cam, a bit further downstream in Cambridge.
A splendid day indeed.


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