Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Busy times

Monday: Had some of the micromechanics crew over for a bit of a Mexican fiesta.

Tuesday: Dinner at Sidney Sussex college.

Wednesday: Went to a talk by the Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher MP. He is not the most credible source around; was given the boot from his position as Minister for the Environment partly due his position on GM food and has also been involved in what might be described as non-sustainable, and what are certainly hypocritical, property ownership practices.

The general gist was along these lines:
The world faces a stark choice. It can continue down the existing path of rising oil consumption, trying to pre-empt available remaining oil supplies, if necessary by military force, but without avoiding a steady exhaustion of global capacity. Or it could switch to renewable sources of energy, much more stringent standards of energy efficiency, and a steady reduction in oil use. The latter course would involve huge new investment in energy generation and transportation technologies. [From here]

I don't really agree with his views on nuclear power, but it was an interesting talk nonetheless.

Friday: Dad came to town. Had a beer at the Anchor, where we learnt Syd Barrett (real name Roger Keith Barrett) used to drink and listen to jazz before forming Pink Floyd.

Went to Sandra's birthday party after dinner, to see her distinguish herself generally.

Saturday: Had lunch with the Master and Fellows of Pembroke College, as a token of their gratitude for our efforts as supervisers. Then went to London for a few drinks with MJ, Kieran, Stef and Shaun and co.

Caught the train back from Liverpool St,

Met a very amusing random fellow:

Sunday: Cooked up a big breakfast then headed to National Gallery for Americans in Paris exhibition.

Checked out St Patrick's Day festival in Trafalgar Square. Wished I had some Irish ancestry.

Met up with K'n'A for dinner and to check out their new place before returning home.

Busy times indeed.


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