Thursday, July 28, 2005

Inspired by the resounding success of my first overland cycling adventure, and feeling even more capable on the Sunday, having implemented a 100% reduction in brandy consumption from Friday to Saturday nights, I ventured north to Ely, famed for its cathedral, the so-called Ship of the Fens. (For a town whose main claim to fame is a big old cathedral they've got a pretty rockin website - follow the History and Tourism link and you can even sign Ye Olde Guestbook). Turns out it was an island until the Fens were drained in the 17th century - incredible.
NB. Thanks to google for the maps. And thanks for inventing GoogleEarth, which has swallowed up about 26 hours of my supposed work time in the past two weeks.

Anyway, the ride to Ely was not as picturesque as the previous day, due to an abundance of cars and lorries. For example, this would have been a great shot, had the car not got in my way:

Despite my best efforts at self-sacrifice on the A10 arterial motorway, I made it to Ely in time to check the Cathedral from the outside:
And the inside:

Very nice. Thanks to the Anglican church for ensuring that Protestant tourists can have experiences as sublime and awe-inspiring as those enjoyed by Catholics all across continental Europe. Here's Ely cathedral from the air as seen with the aforementioned thief-of-my-productivity, GoogleEarth:

After admiring the cathedral, I checked out the Ely riviera on the banks of the River Great Ouse,

met a rather unfortunate looking duck,

rode back down the A10,

and enjoyed the dusk by the banks of the Cam with a couple of cold ones.

Phew - what a busy day!


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