Friday, August 05, 2005

As promised, further details regarding 'that photo' and the train of events leading up to it. Last weekend had been pretty sedate - a bit of strolling about town, a bit of work in the office keeping the simulations cranking along, a few quiet beers at home. All in anticipation of Ignacio's birthday party on the Sunday night.
The invitation email claimed:
"It won't be a big party or anything will only be a little barbeque..."
It started as a civilised affair, an opportunity for much of the Micromechanics group to socialise & mingle convivially with others in Ignacio's sphere.

The turning point was the second 20 litre bucket of sangria, which after some minor hiccups (narrative details given here), was distributed to the thirsty throng. What ensued is better expressed in pictures than words. So here goes:

And I thought moving to Cambridge would make me more cultured and sophisticated...


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