Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I welcomed my first Australian visitor (ie. freeloading backpacker in need of a bed to pass out into) to these fair shores on Monday in the form of Mr Grant Turner. I was able to relive vicariously the wonderful experience of arriving in Cambridge after a 14 hour flight and subsequent 3 hour busride, the highlight of which is the 40 minute wait at Stansted airport. Grant was fairing pretty well having had a rejuvenating stopover in Singapore so I treated him to a brief tour of the town which, in order to best reflect my day-to-day life here, included two trips to Sainsbury’s – one for late breakfast, and one for lunch which was enjoyed in the park.

Once Grant had recovered from the inevitable jetlag, an action-packed week ensued, including a visit to the Fitzwilliam, several pints at several pubs, a dinner with my Micromechanics colleagues,

and a performance of Romeo and Juliet in King's College Gardens.

(This is the Where art thou Romeo? scene)

A nutritious blend of culture and tomfoolery that whetted our appetites for more, for which we had to venture north.


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