Saturday, October 08, 2005

Not long after returning from Manchester, having only become very briefly acquainted with the cows of Coe Fen

and enjoyed one more glimpse of the beautiful sights this town offers,

Grant farewelled Cambridge. He was, understandably, almost totally overcome with emotion in doing so:

We hired a car, and went west, chasing the dragon so to speak.
Can you pick what is wrong with this picture of us embarked upon our travels?

I didn't notice this at time:

And i thought Leamington Spa seemed like such a nice town...

First stop Warwick, for lunch in the beautiful sunshine,

and to visit the castle.

It is really cool, complete with portcullis,

towers and battlements,

archaic torture instruments and old weapons

a panto-style jousting routine (The Evil Black Knight is BEHIND YOU!!! He's OVER THERE!!!),

and demonic creature.

The gardens and river were very nice also.

Then on to Stratford-upon-Avon where, having spent all our allocated culture money on the entrance fee for Warwick Castle, we couldn't afford to shell out more £ to go into Shakespeare's birthplace,

we instead enjoyed a stroll along the banks of the Avon,

had a bit of a looky-see at the authentic(?) Tudor facades featured througout the town,

and went to spend some our allocated ale money.

Back on the road, with Grant as the designated driver, and me the navigator & designated drinker, in ascending order of importance, across the countryside of Worcestershire and Herefordshire.

And on to the Lland of the Dragon...


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